Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hello out there. A little update since my last post. At that time I was concerned about whether or not I am truly a candidate for a BMT. Turns out I am. Since then my counts have dropped...(Hemoglobin anyway.) I did end up needing a transfusion. but i haven't needed platelets since August.(nice) They still range between 25-32 they usually don't go lower or higher than that.

I learned that the pregnancy made my AA symptoms worse. My counts were dropping faster and I needed transfusions more. Although right now i feel fine.(still tired and frequent headache. nothing new) My counts are still dropping, just at a slower rate. So I'm looking at transfusions every 3-4 weeks instead twice a week or weekly.

I did have my intake appt. for my transplant. My doctor also noticed the new trend in my CBC's and we both decided that it would be best to do another biopsy just to see if anything has changed. The first couple of biopsies I had showed the cells in my marrow was at 11%. For my age i should be at 70%. The showed i was at 10%. So my doc says because of this and bc I am still transfusion dependent . That transplant is best. He even went over my slides with several other Hematologist to get other opinions bc he knows how much i wanted to make sure that this is the type of treatment i needed. And they all agree. So I am going to trust in my doctors and move forward with the transplant.

Right now i am just waiting for the call from my Transplant Coordinator to tell me definitely when my Pre-Transplant testing will be. It's looking like Monday. Once they know my brother is healthy enough to donate and I am healthy enough for transplant. I will be going in within 30 days!!!! I'm kinda looking forward to starting this process so I can put this all behind me. I'm ready to get back to life as I know it.

I'll post again after my testing to tell about how that went.

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